Social responsibility in the system of human-centered management of enterprises and organizations

The article analyzes the problems of the formation of responsible behavior of various professional-qualification and status groups of enterprises and organizations employees when solving socially significant problems. The structural features of employees social responsibility and the arguments for irresponsible behavior in the implementation of managerial decisions are determined. The interdependence of managerial decisions and the dominant motives of employees responsible behavior is established: ideological, sociogenic, material. The restraining factors of the formation of social responsibility in the system of person-oriented management of enterprises and organizations have been clarified. The necessity of taking into account the value-motivational meanings of employees' activities as a factor in the growth of responsible behavior has been substantiated. The necessity of a substantive-active orientation of employees' social responsibility has been proved.

For citation: Potemkin V. Social responsibility in the system of human-centered management of enterprises and organizations. "Telescope": Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2021. N. 3. P. 25-35. DOI:10.51692/1994-3776_2021_3_25

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