2023. N 3
Sociology of Youth
Innovative infrastructure and youth career guidance in solving staff problems of the industry
The article examines the problem of staffing the industry, provides data on the needs of St. Petersburg enterprises for specialists of various levels. An analysis of the training of specialists is carried out on the example of Universities in St. Petersburg and the dynamics of the structure of the release of specialists for enlarged groups of areas of training. Recommendations are given for improving the system of vocational guidance for young people using modern innovative infrastructure facilities as a tool for solving personnel problems in the industry.
Mentoring as a tool for professional adaptation of a young higher school teacher
The article shows the role of mentoring in education; the experience of developing and testing a project of prolonged support for a novice teacher as an effective practice of mentoring is presented.
Social expectations of youth in the development of public relations
For many decades, the state's youth policy has been formed taking into account the interests of the development of the national economic complex, territorial entities, enterprises and organizations that are important in the structure of public administration. In this context, the country’s educational complex is being created, including new knowledge, competencies, technologies, the emphasis of which is aimed at obtaining the planned result of the development of social relations. Despite positive changes in the practice of creative inclusion of youth in solving socially significant problems, there is still tension in the interaction of youth with youth policy management bodies in matters of personnel policy, professional training of personnel for enterprises and organizations, and taking into account the interests of young people in the development of public relations.
The research undertaken for more than 30 years is intended to expand the meaning of involving youth in creative activities, to outline the contours of accounting and the mechanism for realizing the social expectations of youth in the development of social relations.
Research of professional orientation of students
The features of the professional choice of students, their ideas about professional development and employment prospects are considered. The results of a sociological study indicate the presence of contradictions in the motives for obtaining higher education and the intentions to work in the specialty.
Economic Sociology
Social environment as a potential for human self-development
The social environment is almost always considered as a set of material, economic, political and spiritual conditions for the existence of a person, social groups of the population. However, the social environment is not homogeneous and solves both general and particular problems due to modern challenges of social development. Changes in the technical and technological structure of enterprises and organizations, the formation of intra-production relations and a culture of personnel behavior presupposes paying attention to the potential for advanced self-development of a person. The article attempts to focus on the growing role of the social environment in determining and self-development of a person's potential, adequate to the goals and objectives of social development.
Managerial interaction as a context of meaning formation
Meanings in activity predetermine the direction of human behavior in social and labor relations; it is no coincidence that the interdisciplinary concept of meaning, which was initially studied mainly in psychology, cultural studies, and philosophy, has been updated in recent years in the context of social management in connection with the phenomenon of leadership (spiritual, inspirational, transformational, ethical, etc.). The role of modern leaders and managers is being transformed, integrating the functions of a coach, mentor, and the sphere of managerial influence includes issues of meaning-making, thereby transforming the situation of managerial interaction into a situation of meaning-making. The formation of a system of meaningful management interaction at enterprises and organizations involves paying attention to the personality of the employee, creating conditions for multi-subjective dialogue, which becomes possible with the development of areas of human-oriented management.
The impact of fraudsters' appearance on consumers of financial goods and services
The article examines the impact of the attractive appearance of financial fraudsters on potential victims. As a result of the online survey "Determining the victim profile in the context of financial fraud" in May 2023 with the coverage of 1018 Russian respondents, the authors of the study concluded that the rational-anxious psychotype of the Russian consumer of goods and services in combination with financial literacy is resistant to the impact of fraudsters.
Cryptocurrency as a problem for sociologists: what and how to explore?
The paper argues that understanding cryptocurrencies’ essential characteristics and dynamics will help sociologists analyze contemporary society. The article begins with an overview of the stages in the development of cryptocurrency. Then, the authors discuss several questions about cryptocurrency as a phenomenon and a research problem. In what follows, they focus on Bitcoin, the first and most noticeable cryptocurrency introduced to society’s socio-economic life, and consider the key differences between Bitcoin and traditional currency. The paper concludes with a discussion of how the developments of cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence technologies are interrelated in the age of ‘artificial sociality.’
Corporate culture as a factor in the effective implementation of the company’s strategic goals
Effective implementation of the company’s strategic goals depends on the ability to manage the corporate culture of the enterprise. It is very important to correctly determine the level of development of corporate culture based on spiral dynamics. The key is the competent correlation of the current and target levels and the introduction of appropriate value guidelines.
School for young researchers
Regulation of ethical aspects in the interaction between medical workers and patients
The article describes the grounds and general provisions for regulating the ethical aspects of the interaction of employees of medical organizations with patients enshrined at the legislative level. Examples of the implementation of tools for regulating the moral and ethical sides of communication between a doctor and a patient within specific medical institutions are presented. The features of the «doctor-patient» interaction for the modern healthcare system of the Russian Federation in terms of staffing and the profile of medical institutions are noted. In order to improve the quality of medical care to the population and increase the level of patient satisfaction it is proposed to consider the opportunities for detailing and specializing the current provisions of the regulation of the professional ethics of medical workers.
Staffing problems of the Russian higher education system
The article presents an analysis of the current staffing problems of the national higher education. Based on statistical data and the results of scientific research, the following problems are described: insufficient wages, low prestige of scientific and pedagogical work, personnel shortage, excessive workload of teachers, quality of the qualification structure of the teaching staff, violation of the continuity of scientific and pedagogical schools and a decrease in the quality of research and teaching activities. As a result of revealing the causal links between them, a tree of personnel problems of the Russian higher education system has been developed.
Comparative analysis of the public pages of the regional management centers in the social network "Vkontakte" in the Vologda and Yaroslavl regions
The article discusses the results obtained during a comparative analysis of the public pages of the Regional Management Centers in the Yaroslavl and Vologda regions. The methodology and the list of criteria used in the study are described. The main topics of published posts and comments, their number, user involvement are determined; the frequency of references to the first persons of the region and other political figures, the information content of the communities is analyzed. On the basis of the comparative analysis, conclusions are drawn about the characteristic features in the positioning of the Regional Management Centers in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, recommendations are given for its improvement.
Social policy and human development in modern Russia
In recent years, the social policy of the state has been aimed at increasing the welfare of the country's population, social partnership of various professional, qualification and status groups of employees of enterprises and organizations in achieving the goals of production and economic activity, social protection of poorly provided groups of the population, including large families, children left without care parents and disabled people. To a lesser extent, social policy is associated with the development of human potential, which plays an ever-increasing role in the formation of qualitatively new social relations, the use of modern technologies and means of managing production and economic processes. The article focuses on the main features of the development of human potential, the definition of the criterion and indicators characterizing it in modern Russia.
Development of professional competences of an employee through social technologies
The concept of lifelong education is still popular in modern society, where the need for self-realization is the highest point of individual development. Self-realization at work is achieved by obtaining new competencies and increasing the level of competence. The use of social technologies in management activities contributes to the continuous professional development of employees. The relevance of the issue under consideration is due to the lack of theoretical and practical knowledge about the direction under study. The purpose of this study is to prove the existing positive effect from the use of social technologies in the development of personnel. Survey and content analysis were used as research methods.
Efficiency of implementing corporate information systems in the 21st century
The article discusses the effectiveness of implementing corporate information systems in an enterprise in the 21st century. The research presents the main advantages and disadvantages of implementing CIS, as well as methods for project management and integration with other systems. The importance of analyzing the needs of the enterprise and choosing the right technologies to achieve maximum effectiveness in the implementation of CIS is emphasized.
The role of gender socialization in the interaction of children and parents in the game
The study examines the impact of gender socialization on the interaction of children and parents in playgrounds. The results of the observations indicate a significant impact of gender roles and identity on the behavior of both children and adults. These interactions are a reflection of societal gender norms and perceptions, emphasizing the importance of a gender-sensitive approach in the upbringing of children.
Corporate culture as a factor of staff motivation
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of corporate culture on staff motivation. It examines the main components of corporate culture, its role in improving the efficiency of employees and strengthening team spirit. The experience of large companies that have successfully implemented programs for the formation of corporate culture is also presented. The author emphasizes that corporate culture is an important factor in staff motivation and can become a key competitive advantage of the company in the labor market.
Recommendations for improving a comfortable urban environment in the context of digitalization of public relations
The article reveals the role of digital technologies in the development of a comfortable urban environment. The definition of a comfortable urban environment is given, as well as the concept of a social mechanism is revealed. The brief conclusions of the research conducted to identify the subjective attitude of residents of St. Petersburg to digital technologies designed to improve the level of a comfortable urban environment are given. In addition, the article discusses economic and policy factors affecting digitalization in Russia, as well as the development of digital technologies designed to improve the level of a comfortable urban environment. The developed recommendations at various levels on improving a comfortable urban environment in the context of digitalization of public relations are presented.
Professional self-determination of youth
This article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical literature on the issue of the psychological prerequisites for the professional self-determination of young people. The main factors and stages of professional self-determination are determined. The factors of professional self-determination are self-esteem, formed value orientation, career orientation, the presence of internal motivation for choice, personal career planning, the level of requirements, inclinations, the level of personal general abilities and special abilities, such as sustainable motivation, professional shyness. It was revealed that professional self-determination is the main problem of adolescence, which means that young people have two types of information: on the one hand, about the entire professional world, about the requirements of each profession, and on the other hand, about themselves, professionalization. The process of professional self-determination is considered as a continuous personal path on which a person determines professional activity for himself.
Young people determine the professional activities to which they are inclined based on personal qualities and various factors. A characteristic psychological prerequisite for the readiness of high school students for a certain choice of a future profession is precisely the formation of value orientations, a pronounced individual career orientation, and the presence of internal motivation for choice.
Research of modern factors and causes of social cruelty in society
This article substantiates the relevance of the problem of social cruelty. The authors theoretically described the causes of cruelty and its forms, the essence of the phenomenon of social cruelty, various forms of social cruelty, its types and types. The article examines past studies of cruelty and social cruelty as an aspect of M. A. Engelhardt's theory of progress and other works. The authors conducted a study of a part of the population of the Russian Federation on the subject of social cruelty and propensity to it. Based on the data of this study and theory, the authors in the article raised the question of the need for a detailed study of the phenomenon of social cruelty in dynamics, as well as the development of measures to regulate the level of social cruelty of the population. The article describes the results of the study, draws conclusions from the general audience data and examines the factors affecting the degree of social cruelty. The authors of the article propose measures to influence these factors and the degree of social cruelty.
Social technologies of the influence of information services on the management process in an organization
Since the end of the 20th century, technology has been developing rapidly in various directions. The latest scientific “boom” occurred in the technology of artificial intelligence, which has penetrated into many areas and is trained to solve complex technical and social problems. Any new technology has both positive and negative sides, which leads to unrest in society. The purpose of the article is to analyze social technologies of informatization in organizations and public opinion about them.