2023. N 1
Sociology of Labor and Management
Personal development as a factor of overcoming social entropy in the transformational activities of modern enterprises
The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical analysis of the development of human social qualities as a result of transformations affecting the economic and social-labor life spheres. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of entropy as a measure of social system deviation or its individual link from the accepted as a reference state, violation of the legal and regulatory and organizational order. The application of organizational actions to overcome crisis phenomena in the management of enterprises is substantiated, the composition of indicators - social indicators characterizing the effectiveness of actions - is established. The author emphasizes that the organizational layer of managerial decisions and actions of a transformational type is directly related to the formation of an innovative personality type of employees, characterized by an active life position, the desire for self-fulfillment in professional activities. The article outlines the prerequisites, factors, characteristics of the process of formation of the intellectual reserves of the individual, which not only contribute to the innovative transformation of enterprises and organizations, but creates the prerequisites for a sustainable innovation climate.
The power of weak ties in the development of cooperation networks: professional and interprofessional communications
The article provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the phenomenon of weak social ties in the context of gigonomics development, the basis of which is the change in the forms of interaction between employees and employers, as well as the forms and types of professional and interprofessional communication. Attention is drawn to the transformation of intra- and interorganizational cooperation associated with the spread of horizontal management models, incl. project cross-functional teams, self-organizing systems and network forms of partnership. Weak social ties are considered as the most important element of the social capital of employees, which increases the competitiveness of an enterprise through the development of cooperation networks in the internal and external environment. On the basis of an empirical study (N200, 2022), the importance of social ties in the life success model of student youth was recorded.
Issues of work motivation of pedagogical workers in institutions for orphans
The article is the result of the analysis of a semi-formalized interview with the heads of institutions for orphans on the issues of labor motivation of teachers. The results of the generalization allow us to look at the current problems of the functioning of the motivation system in orphanages and outline ways to solve them.
The article will be useful to civil servants, heads of social institutions and scientists with a similar subject of study.
Formation of a competence model as a factor in the development of the company's personnel
The development of economic thought gives rise to the need to ensure the stability of economic entities - network economic structures. The most important component of the stability of the network system is the constancy of the personnel of the organization, which is ensured through the implementation of monitoring and control of training systems, development, motivation of personnel, and the formation of a personnel reserve. The creation of a competency model and the provision of a competency-based approach by forming an employee profile with differential methods of its assessment make it possible to level the emergence of difficulties in staffing with highly qualified specialists.
The article reflects the results of the analysis of the formation of a personnel competency model in the knowledge economy, the terminological foundations of knowledge potential, competency models, competency-based management, and network economic structures. The importance of developing a competency model as an innovative tool for ensuring the competitiveness of an organization is substantiated.
Sociology of Social Relations
Social networks of migrants as a new communication locality, quasi-institutions of ethnicity and the logic of virtualization of social capital
The article considers conceptual approaches to the study of virtual communities as a special type of social association of users of communication networks, and characterizes the socio-cultural features of online Internet communities. An analysis is made of social network platforms of the Internet as a new communicative infrastructure of ethnic discourse and an ethnic quasi-institutional organization of social practices of migrants. It is shown how the combination of a virtual and a real plan of social interaction, thanks to the development of communication platforms of the Internet and instant messengers, changes the identity and mutual practices of accumulating social capital in ethnic migrant communities. It is determined how the transfer of offline networks of migrants into the format of virtual ethnocommunities ("digital diasporas") changes both the nature of communications within the social networks of migrants, and their role and significance as a social "quasi-institution" for arranging the life of a migrant inside/outside the host community.
Economic reforms through the prism of social reality
The article considers the social consequences of reforming the economic system, which are manifested in the activities of enterprises and organizations. On the basis of the study, the main ways of including a person in the economic system are proposed, incl. by introducing new organizational structures, creating conditions for the formation of an economically free person, restructuring the management of the economy based on the interests of a person, his needs, etc. The result of the proposed changes will be the formation of an environment in which both the labor activity of a person and the conditions for ensuring his life are possible. The proposed formula for increasing the social efficiency of the strategy for the economic development of enterprises affects the following components of human life: consciousness; activity; material living conditions; relations of production; national-historical features; socio-demographic conditions; natural geographic conditions and more. The contours of the social efficiency of the economic development strategy of enterprises include social, economic and institutional indicators discussed in the article.
ChatGPT and five lessons for higher education in the era of “artificial sociality”
The paper addresses the problem of changes in higher education that come with the spread of digital technologies and the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in people's everyday life. The COVID-19 pandemic has sped up digital transformation in universities, enabling students, faculty members, and administrators to use more active and diverse AI technologies. New AI instruments and models such as ChatGPT raise severe questions about higher education's forms, content, and purposes. Reflecting on these issues, the authors formulate five lessons for higher education in the “artificial sociality” era.
Sociology of Youth
Professional communications as a factor for the successful involvement of youth to professional activity
The article discusses issues related to the involvement of young people in professional activities, successful professional self-determination, motivation of professional development. The authors substantiate the need to develop professional communications between young people and the professional community in order to successfully solve the problem of involving young people in professional activities and increasing their motivation.
Motivational factors of applicants' professional choice as the basis of the University's communication strategy
The article deals with issues related to communications between universities and applicants and students in order to increase their motivation for the educational process and professional self-determination. The author substantiates the necessity of studying the characteristics of the young generation, their requests when interacting with universities, the factors that influenced their choice, their degree of satisfaction and expectations. That allows starting an effective communication strategy.
Social factors of the spread of childfree in Russia
The article is devoted to childfree and the factors of its spread. The authors analyze the specifics and approaches to the study of childfree, the consequences of the spread of childfree for the demographic future of Russia. The authors conclude that, despite the strong attachment to traditional values, this type of family behavior develops into an independent practice and the attitude in society towards it is increasingly tolerant. This problem requires the development of social technologies to preserve and maintain traditional values.
Features of reproductive attitudes of modern students
The article deals with the reproductive attitudes of modern student youth and their features. The article is based on a study conducted among students aged 17 to 24 inclusive. As a result of the study, we have identified new norms of children among students.
School for young researchers
Perception of the sub-categories “event” among the modern Russian youth
Over the past decades, we have seen an unabated interest in event-management, however, a consensus on the specificity of event sub-cathegories was not been reached. The purpose is to clarify the public perception of the event categories using the method of content analysis of digital behavioral information. It was found that in modern perception there is a difference between categories: an event has a perceived specificity, therefore it cannot be synonymous with any other event.
Dynamics of the development of information and communication technologies in the regions of the Russian Federation with different investment attractiveness in the period from 2014 to 2021
The article examines the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) using the examples of several regions of the Russian Federation with different investment attractiveness in the period from 2014 to 2021. The relationship between the development of information and communication technologies in the region and its investment attractiveness has been studied. The statistical data of Rosstat were analyzed, trends and regional features of the ICT development in the subjects of Russia were identified.
Mythologization of virtual reality functions
The article analyzes the relationship between virtual reality and religious and mythological consciousness in four categories: time, space, common practices and subject-object relations. An example of an experiment illustrating the influence of virtuality on human consciousness is given. The structural approach and the works of classical myth researchers are involved. Conclusion is about the existence of a constant basis of virtual reality and a mythologized superstructure, striving to approach the structure of the myth in its properties.
The socio-psychological climate is a factor in reducing professional risks in the activities of fireflights
This work is devoted to the study of the socio-psychological climate – it is an integral part of psychodiagnostic measures carried out in any organization whose management is interested in its effectiveness and development. The activity should provide for the optimization of relationships in the work team, which requires purposeful work to create a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, common goals and a general positive emotional and moral attitude.
Socio-cultural risks of workforce management in the context of the theory of generations
Nowadays, much attention is paid to the representation of different opinions and interests of different categories of people in all areas of activity. In particular, the opinion about the need for the presence of representatives of different generations in the management teams of firms remains ambiguous. This article explores some of the aspects in which there are differences across generations and the reasons for the effectiveness of a multigenerational management team.
Human capital: innovations and risks
The article examines the concept of human capital from the point of view of different scientists, its structural elements. The authors have studied the characteristic features of human capital that distinguish it from other types of capital, and the features are given. As a result of the study, the authors presented recommendations on the formation of human capital and its development in the organization.
What’s the worth of risk?
The article deals with the institutional environment of risk in labor activity. Two approaches of determining occupational risk which are supported by examples of studies reflecting the subjective perception of risk in professional activities as well as the absolute expression of the riskiness of some professions. Government support measures were also considered: ensuring safe working conditions as well as compensation for the performance of labor functions.
IT HR management risks
The main objective of the article is to analyze what risks the current social transformations carry in relation to IT professionals. The article presents statistical data on the outflow of technical specialists, as well as the reasons for this phenomenon, gives the possible consequences for both an individual organization and the national economy, and gives recommendations for retaining IT specialists in a company.
About research of modern management problems
The most important issue of management practice for modern Russia is the question of the possibility and feasibility of a complete modernization of organizational and managerial activities in order to ensure genuine, deep and promising success in the social and economic development of our country. The Herzenov Interdisciplinary Methodological Seminar for Research on Contemporary Problems of Management, which brought together the efforts of many not only St. Petersburg, but also Russian and foreign researchers, has done a great job in 21 years of its scientific work in solving many problems and problems in the field of management, which is described in this article.